All Is One
By Eva Mozette Novar
mingling illusions of stilth shadows;
Truth shrouded in Beauty.
dancing particles split the slit
through the mirror of Our Mind’s Eye.
Observer made visible, We Are All Conscious Stardust.
spectrums of Dark and Light, the essence
of Us this Life unfurled, spiraling world of breath and dust,
expressing the breathing in of Our Nothingness
of Silence then, exhaling the Healing Stillness
of Our most Intrepid Creation; Love’s Convergence.
Eva Novar grew up living and exploring many varied outdoor environments. A Naturalist in spirit and in heart, she gleans from these moments and desires to share them with others through her writings of poetry and song.
A publication of Eva’s book of poetry, (through Neutrino Music, Art, and Book Publishing, LLC) entitled, I Walk, can be found on