When we look into a child’s eye, what do we see?
A beautiful world, which we never thought could be
We grow and learn every single day
We must keep our hearts open, before it begins to decay
It all connects, it all makes sense
But what’s the point of living, if you’re controlled by the one percent
Stay true to who you are, it knows the path
We must focus on the present, cherishing it like it’s our last
Pain will help you grow, failure is a must
How else would the universe gain your trust?
Believe that they are there, always watching
A universal clock, constantly tick, tocking
All you need is faith, don’t worry about the how
Feel good in this moment, all we need is here, right now
Now tell it again, what we see
When you look into a child’s eye, the true unlimited being.
Andrew Erwin is 23 years old and specifically writes with the goal to expand the consciousness of others — opening new positive perspectives on all aspects of life.