Icelandic River Delta – Earth Zygote
Down that first river I did float,
though not entirely alone in my little boat.
For seven long days and nights I fought the good fight -and earned the right
to tie-up and rest a spell.
This you see was the beginning, middle and end
of my life as Zygote
Miles Cobbett left Seattle, Washington on a ship bound for Alaska, in the spring of 1982. He had seven hundred dollars in his pocket, a duffle bag full of rugged work clothes, a portable typewriter-filled with paper, and a supply of steno-note pads and pens. He came looking for story and character ideas and a way of making enough money to keep a roof over his head, and food in his belly. He found plenty of everything. Now twenty-five years later, he is willing to share his stories with anyone who likes to read . . .