Hovering, behind her now, is youth
Memories of freedom, loving whom she pleased
She was adored, tender and sweet
Her cheeks rounded, her smile held back for
Mystery’s sake, not because life was hard
Her favorite color russet, not black
Warm tones to set off her coloring
Now, her face draws down with life lived
Narrow and not so easy to lighten
Eyes still dark, hair in fashionable waves
She sets trends but it’s harder in black
Mourning does not become her
She finds the most elaborate earrings
Flaunts them against her widow’s weeds
Waiting ahead of her
Her care and creams and parasols
Will keep her skin lovely, creamy as a peach
But her eyes, those dark beads that give nothing back
Turn a rheumy blue, coated over by cataracts
Her lips turn up, secrets they seem to promise
Secrets in her hair shot with gray, still marcelled but
Bobbed now, the latest thing even if she cannot see it
In the mirror, she will still set the fashion
Gerri Leen has been published in Spellbound, Paper Crow, Enchanted Conversation and others. To read more of her work, visit her webpage: http://www.gerrileen.com