By Bobbi Rudin

Dublin © Sasza Baristow
honey bees sip lavender and basil blossoms birds chittering scatters across thoroughfares friends show up out of the blue at a café her waist length silky black hair split in 3 and braided lovers damp bodies unite scientific discoveries unfold mysteries newborn drinks from mother’s breast a symphony plays lyrics are strung into songs cars stop at an intersection a traveler approaches a fork in the road walks through a mine field explosion holding her as she takes her final breath meteors shoot across night sky planets die and are born
Bobbi Rudin is a graduate of the MA program in Mythology and Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. Her poetic writings are published in The Muse: An International Journal of Poetry (Vol. 3. Issue 2), Contemporary Poetry: An Anthology of Present Day Best Poems, a chaos of angels, Kali’s Kites Essays from the Mythological Imagination, San Gabriel Valley Poetry Quarterly (Issue 65 Winter 2015), and between: Pacifica Graduate Institute Literary Review Journal. Her poetry book Testament: A Poetic Journey Thru the Cycles of Life is available at Amazon.