By Stephanie Gartner

“Existing in Extremes” – © Jaeda DeWalt
I am a woman scorned,
exasperated by dolor.
No longer will I allocate
my energy to undeserving
space or beings.
I dare any man to attempt
taming my tongue.
I walk with purpose,
I speak with conviction,
and I love with fire.
To be seen as anyone
or anything less than Hera herself,
would be wholly unwise.
Flectere si nequeo superos,
Acheronta movebo
Stephanie Gartner was born and raised in North Dakota. She graduated with my B.A. in English with a double minor in German and Women and Gender Studies from the University of North Dakota in May of 2015. “I’ve been writing and figuring out where my strong holds lie though I will always love writing poetry.” — Stephanie