I’m tired of being a foreigner
I’m tired of being a foreigner
of having to fill out those forms at the airport
that ask me reasons to visit
as if the Queen and the pints weren’t enough
I’m tired of having to spell my name
…….yes, “t” as in “tango”
I’m tired of being Gastón
because I’m not like that Disney song
and everyone fights like Gastón
I’m tired of being the guy
you’d swipe right on Tinder
because it’d be exotic to tell your granny
that you’re dating a Latino
I’m tired that I can be president
of only a single country
I’d love to rule Thailand
and write to my people of how much I love them
in those letters that look like scribbles
Gastón Tourn (born 1990) is an Argentine writer who published Through a camera, a collection of poems by Calamar Ediciones, and I am not sure if it’s Buenos Aires or New York, a series of short stories by Editorial Vox. He is pursuing a Masters in Creative Writing at the University of Oxford and works in Creative Communications at Google London.