Gender is just a condition
Transfer, transform, transpose
Change from one entity into another
Evaluate by rejecting conventional standards
Establish a new principle
I feel, so it is
Race is transferable
Ancestry, family, lineage is deniable
Genetic code patterns a lie
Belong to any race you choose
Establish a new principle
I feel, so it is
Laws are irrelevant
Divine commandments collectively obsolete
Useless, empty, insignificant, worthless
Emotional, overpowering passion rules
Establish a new principle
I feel, so it is
Words mean nothing
Keep them, break them, hang on them
Change to whatever you wish them to mean
Interpret to your benefit
Establish a new principle
I feel, so it is
Denise A. Martin has been published in Parents Magazine and Unity Magazine and has won various awards for her non-fiction essays.