St. Jospeh Cemetery in August.
Or My home. My heart. My heat.
Morgan Elaina Fenick
Sitting amongst the tombs of centuries past
Sweat pours down my body, baking in the languidness of the present
The minimal southern breeze
Rustles my thin skirt, the dust of the decay sticks
To my bare legs, it glitters in the light, what could be a strippers delight
Back in the comfort of the shadows, against the
Stone, spirits embrace my body
Cool and comforting
Amongst pill bottles and garbage
Others have taken sanctuary here
Everything is broken, the old,
Sometimes rebuilt, more than often not
I can hear the sirens of the city,
Walkie-talkies, children playing,
Unattended in the street, dogs, hungry and mean
Silk flowers once presented with grace
Are faded, and covered in mold
Through it all, all the concrete and plastic,
The tendrils of life, fern fingers, aspirations of youth,
Reach for the sun
The grass grows green with triumph
Then fades with the constant struggle of survival and urban decay
Under steamy skies.
Life goes on.
Morgan Elaina Fenick, is an artist, flower designer, writer, and connoisseur of fine wine. She moved to New Orleans in the summer of 2016 after years of desiring to do so. The magic, the spirits, and the colorful co-habitants are her muses. “Peace and Love to all.” — Morgan