Stone Seed

Sława Kładoczna-Gryta Photography — “Rain”
This photo from Sława’s rain album called out to this poem. ZO searches for art to pair our featured poems with – sometimes for days. The work we decide on often has a serendipitous connection. This photo had a comment from 2012 that it should be a poem!
By Collin Sullivan
…..Go on and find colors in the figures
stoned and dreaming away from home.
…..Keep on giving- someone will return;
…..summer is promised, winter is teased.
Frost might return, be careful to plant the seed.
…..Grass smells like watermelon rind,
shoes filling with cool dark mud;
…..walking home away from them
just the select spreading self free.
…..Hailstones and wind shaking the fresh budding tree:
their beauty it amazes, but it’s theirs to keep.
…..Something so familiar never seen this way,
naked, freshly showered, battered by the passing stones
…..every rock more gorgeous under ripe rain.
“I think poetry as description of life’s intricacies will always fall short, no abstract fragment can accentuate the many details; though poetry can be a terrific reminder for us to keep an out eye out for these very details. And because i think this is a good thing, i write poetry.” – Colin