The Bird Supermarket
By Dawn Lisa Cuccinello
John Wilhelm – Icarus’ early years
What innocence!
What joy!
What ambition my good little boy!
To soar in the sky as only birds can do
Is surely a dream to come true.
If humans have supermarkets
Then birds must too.
It’s so logical
At age a few years past two.
Your imagination my little child
Is vast,
And wild.
For if you were a bird you could fly.
And how, my dear, will you reach the sky?
“Mama,” you said to me in your sweet soft voice.
“I have to buy wings
Dawn Lisa Cuccinello now lives in Hawaii. She wrote this poem while living in China and her three year old son, at the time, wanted to buy wings for himself at the bird supermarket, because he wanted his own wings so that he could fly.