I’m disoriented when I touch your face:
I searched for you so long,
travelling through mist and fog
you are still the same.
reclining in your luxuries
at these blasted lands
in the end of the world.
Like any pilgrim, I have changed
-a hallucinator, three-visioned like a drunk
your six cheeks
soft as snow
are lighter than ghosts
and I am grasping, grasping
ashen hand-fulls
of incinerated love for you
Paul Murufas is a writer and poet living in Long Beach, California. His first chapbook, _dystopian’s codependent syndrome_ was released by Mess Editions in Oakland earlier this year. His essays and poetry have appeared in Be Young and Shut Up, The Leaf Online, and Coalesce Poetry Magazine. He currently is a student of literature at Long Beach City College, and looks forward to continuing to refine his craft in poetry, prose, and journalism over the coming years.