xtal — Selected Ambient Works ’85-’92
– for Vid Warren
By Oliver Newman

what track. is that?. I would. know that. hi-hat:.
open,. ero.ded, gran.ular. and vast;.
a cryst.alline. ticking. keeping. time flat –.
a des.ert sift.ed through. the sea’s. high past.
…..filter. . . . future.-length and. now, a.nywhere.
wait, oh. wait – glitch.es: pot.holes for. the brain,.
sometimes. fill for. grooves; var.ia.tion – air.
raising. it back. on track. to new. terrain.
remind. me where. we are. again. – what world.
is this. that writes. or waives. time’s sig.nature.
with our. hands? – on.ly to. unfix. the pat.
tern we. had known:. self – sync.opa.ted more.
like a. kick drum;. a root.ed pulse. too late.
lichen. on a. stone in. focus. . . . revealed
Oliver Newman is a poet from Bristol, UK and an alumnus of Oxford University’s Creative Writing MSt.
All of us at ZO are always fantasizing about how we could do things (if we had more resources, etc.) and we thought this poem would be wonderful “performed with a DJ” . . . since the meter, etc. somewhat mimics a record player, the way it might skip, tick, or have a grainy sound to it.