My Love Is A Waterfall
— Don Kingfisher Campbell
Her feelings rain down on me
I feel the power of her constancy
She even looks as pretty as they pour
Black hair cascades to her shoulders
Eyes like circular pools my mind can swim in
Like brown crystal balls they predict our happiness
Her lovely sloping nose is a slide my fingers want to take every day
Her smile is like the spray edging upward always
Her breasts are the softest rocks to rest upon
Her arms like fences hold me safely
Her body is a land where I forever wish to live
Her legs, long trails my tongue implores to explore (Am I a snail?)
Her toes make my mouth water for their sweetness
Then I go back to the top and ride again
(Did I forget to mention the cave under the falls?)
Don Kingfisher Campbell is a poet, storyteller and author and has been quite a blessing to ZO. When we first saw this poem on Don’s FB page, we thought it was an edgy piece, along the line and vibe of “Song of Solomon” . . .