Poet — Storyteller — Author
| ZO Poetry Expo Judge
Don Kingfisher Campbell, MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University Los Angeles, taught Writers Seminar at Occidental College Upward Bound for 36 years, been a coach and judge for Poetry Out Loud, a performing poet/teacher for Red Hen Press Youth Writing Workshops, L.A. Coordinator and Board Member of California Poets In The Schools, poetry editor of the Angel City Review, publisher of Four Feathers Press, and host of the Saturday Afternoon Poetry reading series in Pasadena, California. For awards, features, and publication credits, please go to: http://dkc1031.blogspot.com
We are so grateful to Don for being a Judge for our very first POETRY EXPO and now advising and working with us as a POETRY DIRECTOR! He also shared poetry at our Cloud Z live launch and has been a great encouragement since connecting. Check out a snippet of Don and other poets on this video at ZO’s live launch at the Tropics.