O.D.D. stands for Other Dimensional Discussion and our choice to use “INTELLIGENT TREES” as a focal point in our story, come from both universal thoughts on “Existence” and the astrophysical concept that “we live in a forest.” Thoughts on the astrophysical are from the Lyman Alpha Forest studies. For more info on that, check out this link. For purposes of our developing story, we are searching the Earth for 40 trees. Perhaps you can help us locate them. These trees are the granddaughters of the first Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and have been in charge of the trials, testing and probation of sentient beings on earth. They are able to hide and can exist in a number of invisible states. Most hide in plain sight and now, as the time for Revelation approaches, they absolutely want and need to be identified for the next phase of existence.
The FIRST Crossing in our developing Creative Game Encounter is Finding the INTELLIGENT TREES.