RICHARD J. FROST "Sting Ray - Our Pretty Little Rainbow Robot" -- Summerhead Richard Frost self-describes his artistic style [...]
OLUSEGUN ADEJUMO "Muir Woods Suite Phase 2" -- George Duke Olusegun Adejumo is a deep thinker and philosopher, in [...]
Duane Kirby Jensen is a prolific painter with a wide pallet of subjective art. Explore more at the following links: The [...]
Pictured above: MONA in Hobart, Tasmania. The Museum of Old and New Art Muir Woods Suite | Phase II [...]
Photo above: The Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health - Getty Images SURREAL ARCHITECTURE and DESIGN: A Psychological [...]
CREATIVITY By Diana Nilsen Aylward CREATIVITYis an excerpt from the book "32 Ways To Raise Your Frequency" — Diana Nilsen [...]
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