December | NOSTALGIA Sociologically Subjective: Mom and Pop Art By Tricia Stewart Shiu Sociologically Subjective: Mom and Pop Art [...]
Articles by Tricia Stewart Shiu
NOVEMBER Empirically Ephemeral: Stop Your Belly Aching and Get to Work By Tricia Stewart Shiu Empirically Ephemeral: Stop Your [...]
Featured Image above: Vizerskaya for Getty Images October | THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES Who are We Really Kidding?: An Open [...]
September | COGNITION Article: Self-Sabotage and the Flying Monkeys By Tricia Stewart Shiu Ascendance - Lindsey Stirling “The eternal [...]
August | FULL BLEED The Age of Recognizance By Tricia Stewart Shiu Full Bleed | The Age of Recognizance [...]
June | METAMORPHOSIS Gratefully Unbound: The Fear of Living in Transition By Tricia Stewart Shiu Contemplation - Charles Reix [...]
May | MOTION Understanding Neo: A Walk Though the Matrix By Tricia Stewart Shiu "Still A Soldier" - Ancient [...]
April | MAHVALOUS BUBBLES & BAUBLES Article: Embodying Artful Conversation By Tricia Stewart Shiu "Earth Shadow" - Deuter Social [...]
March | ANCIENT GRACE Instantaneously Indigenous: The Unearthing of our Existence By Tricia Stewart Shiu Ancient Guardians - Kevin [...]