Word just broke that MySpace has lost basically all the music ever uploaded onto its wonderful HTML inspired pages back in the day. So that probably means a lot of Filmspeed jams have gone by the wayside. They were a leading act on the social media giant back in the day when your Top 8 was everything and skinny jeans were barely making their way to the men’s section. But much like everyone from then, they’ve evolved over the years into better versions of themselves. They’ve traded in the Hot Topic vibes and have a sound that now reflects their Michigan rock and roll roots more than ever before. We talked about the growth, the latest music, and more in this back and forth chit of chats.
Kendra: When I first heard of you guys it was the ’00s and MySpace was still all the rage. Oh, how times have changed. What do you feel has been the most influential in your overall sound evolution from then until now?
Filmspeed: Well well…The times HAVE changed, thanks for stickin’ around! I think the biggest things that’s changed from then is the songs. The music and lyrics nowadays come from a much more genuine place. Not only that, this lineup is legendary. The three of us have a chemistry that goes beyond jamming. We’re bandmates, friends, brothers and the biggest fans of each other. When it comes to playing live, we think it shines through.
Kendra: Today you guys are coming on strong with some great, real AF rock and roll sounds in “Bless My Soul” and “Just My Luck”. Are you pulling any inspo from rock and roll greats with your latest releases?
Filmspeed: You hit it on the head there, it’s all Rock and Roll. Since we’re a power trio made up of guitar, bass, and drums, this is just the most natural sound that comes out. We’re all totally obsessed with music, so inspiration from the greats is impossible to deny. In all honesty, it’s totally subconscious. Depending on who we talk to on any given night, it’s a wide range on what they’ll say we sound like. The best we’ve heard thus far is “modern classic.”
Kendra: We have these two singles but will they find themselves on a full record soon?
Filmspeed: Nope! These two latest ones are only meant to be a double-sided single. With the current biz revolving around streaming; it just makes more sense for us to put out a few a time. Full records take multiple months and exponentially more cash to write, record, manufacture, and promote. We can push out songs faster, spend more time on the content, and have new stuff every time we hit the road. It’s a win-win-win.
Kendra: Like I previously said, I’ve known you guys for years now thanks to my Fall Out Boy friends from then being such dedicated fans of Filmspeed. What do you think you guys did differently than all these other bands to keep that fanbase so devoted over the years?
Filmspeed: Easy. We’re still addicted to the stage, grateful for our support and love the process. We’ll be rockin this thing till the last listener is on their way home and the venue shuts off the lights.
Kendra: With the west coast tour over and done at the start of the year, will you be heading east soon?
Filmspeed: The plan is to pitch ourselves to the right teams for touring support slots this summer. The good news is, we’re a fairly flexible act that would fit in with a whole host of different acts. If y’all got some hookups or suggestions for spots on the east coast, we’re ALL ears.
Kendra: Perhaps not in April because you have a show then in Costa Mesa? But can you keep up tuned into what’s to come in the coming months?
Filmspeed: The official video for “Bless My Soul” will be dropping. We’re also headed back to the studio for more new songs. In the meantime, we’ll be making new podcast episodes and kicking ass all over SoCal.