Inspired by the land of opportunity waiting for her in the US, Louise set her eyes on the inevitable prize. The French fashion designer headed to the states and from there she started to create swimwear the whole family could enjoy, literally. For the families looking to wow in the water, you need not look further than Mademoiselle Louise. Offering swimwear for everyone in the family, this swimwear brand can’t be beat when it comes to straight up family time. Now get to know the woman behind Mademoiselle Louise a little more as we talk about where she plans on taking this wild ride next.
Kendra: There aren’t many 20-year-olds who know what they want to do in life, but at that age, you were opening your own store. What pushed you at such a young age to achieve something as grand as that?
Louise: Becoming a designer was my dream since I was young, and my mother always supported me. So when I told her my place was no longer at university, she understood and accepted. After that, I opened my first company.
Kendra: What inspired you to move from France, the fashion capital of the world, to Miami?
Louise: I always thought that I wasn’t born in the right country. The US, for me, is a country where everything is possible. Being a designer is great but you have to be supported and encouraged. Unfortunately, this is not the case in my country. The economic situation is complicated and the mentality is really different.
Kendra: You have been on Etsy for a few years now, but is there a brick and mortar location in Miami as well people can check out or have you gone fully online at this point?
Louise: I sell my designs only on my website and on my Etsy store. It’s a choice I made a few years ago because I wanted to be free and work from home. Right now I’m pregnant, so I am really happy to have made that choice today.
Kendra: One of the best things about your line, the matching suits. From the mommy and me to even the daddy and me options. Was that idea sparked by your own family wanting something like that, or did you see a market not being tapped and went for it?
Louise: One day my husband asked me for a swimsuit in the same fabric as my bikini. We went to the beach and everyone wanted to know where we bought our set. It was crazy. We understood the potential of his idea very quickly!
Kendra: Right now you have a handful of maternity options. Will you be adding to that in the near future?
Louise: The birth of our baby is inspiring for us. So I plan to design a maternity line this winter.
Kendra: Aside from swimsuits, you also make these amazing circular towels. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like that before. Do you get a lot of people adding those to their carts too when they pick up a swimsuit from you because if not, they should! Those look fantastic!
Louise: Thank you so much. These towels are prototypes and we are testing them. At the moment the customers love them but I’m not sure to continue. I love having mini-collections.
Kendra: Can you let us know what you have in store for Mademoiselle Louise as we head deeper into 2019 and beyond?
Louise: I am currently working on a homeware line (matching robes for the whole family). Then I will focus on the maternity line. I also have six news swimsuit collections coming in 2020 and three new sportswear collections as well.