What Pixie Ninja has done with their 2023 release, ‘Hypnagogia’ is take listeners on quite the ride, from the depths of the ‘80s to nights shaken to the bright lights of Broadway. All of those elements and then some compacted into an album that will be available on September 8th, but between now and then – and long after – get to know more about Pixie Ninja from nightmarish naps to jazzy moments and everything in between.
Kendra: With the album being called ‘Hypnagogia,’ I have to assume that one of you has experienced something quite interesting while falling asleep. If not, what about the period between being awake and the first wave of sleep that inspired this album?
Marius: A few years ago I experienced hypnagogia of some sort. I was taking a nap on my couch when I suddenly woke up, or at least I thought I did. I could not move my head, and my eyes were pinned at one specific location on the wall. I remember telling myself, “What the heck is going on, and why can’t I move my head”?
I was slowly panicking, and I was trying to figure out what was going on. Suddenly I started to hear bird sounds and wings flapping like crazy in my children’s bedroom, and it sounded very chaotic. I remember thinking about why the window wasn’t closed, and that must have been the reason for the sudden bird invasion. I could still not move my head.
Suddenly my phone started ringing loudly. I could not reach it, nor could I see who it was calling.
I thought to myself, “Guess it’s work calling me to tell me I’m late for work.” The doorbell suddenly started ringing as well, and now there was complete chaos surrounding me. The birds in the bedroom, the phone ringing constantly, and the doorbell ringing. I started to scream and was about to go completely nuts. Then all of a sudden, I could move my head, and all the sounds were suddenly gone. I remember feeling like I didn’t wake up from a dream, it felt like I was awake all this time. It was a mind-blowing experience, but not something I would like to experience again.
Kendra: Sleep paralysis is also very common during this state and as someone who has dealt with that – you and I know, 10/10 would not recommend. It’s quite terrifying. With that, what song off ‘Hypnagogia’ do you think the average sleep paralysis demon would enjoy most and why?
Marius: I would have to say “Pandæmonium.” That track is based on my experience with hypnagogia and strongly related to my experience with it. The build-up on that track is how I personally felt at that time and the reason why that track sounds completely nuts. Every time I listen to it I feel almost obnoxious, and it’s almost as if I’m about to hold my breath.
Kendra: Now, ‘Hypnagogia’ is your third record to date with the last dropping back in the year that shall not be named. Was there anything you left on the cutting room floor while recording ‘Colours out of Space’ that made its way onto the new album?
Jostein: We actually had a couple of songs that did not make it onto the album and from the album before that we considered using a couple of them on the new album and maybe developing them a bit more so they would fit the sound and style on the new record, but in the end, we prefer to start with a fresh mindset when we’re going to record a new album. We also felt really creative and really enjoyed making this album so there was no need to dig up old stuff either. But there definitely are some similarities here and there from the previous albums as well.
Kendra: So I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the TV series ‘Unsolved Mysteries’ but “Thantosis” really gave me those vibes, but then I was surprised with the jazzy elements that were layered in. Overall that song, to me, felt like it was plucked right from the wondrous era of the ‘80s. Is that a decade you often find yourself admiring?
Jostein: Hehe, I think it’s becoming our thing to sprinkle some jazzy elements here and there and that really enhances this track with Jørgens Munkeby’s amazing saxophone on the track as well. It was planned from the start to hopefully get him to lay down those jazzy elements and with him being a former member of Jaga Jazzist as well, naturally, it turned out great. When it comes to the eighties, what’s not to like?
All of us are really big fans of ‘80s music especially and a lot of the arpeggios and synths we incorporate into the music are inspired from that decade. Actually, we have discussed making a purely ’80s-inspired album, a kind of a dark pop thing maybe. We’ll see!
Kendra: On the flip side, “Dance Macabre” felt like it was part of a Broadway show of some kind. Have you ever thought of pairing Pixie Ninja’s sound with the world of theater?
Jostein: Haha, that’s interesting! Well, we’re often told that our music would be a perfect fit for different kinds of movies as they often got a soundtrack feel to them and we would definitely be up for that job, as well as theater. We are big fans of Motorpsycho, and they have done a couple of soundtracks to some Norwegian plays, which is just amazing. So yeah, that would be a great challenge and a lot of fun.
Kendra: Now it’s time for a side note – with it being September AKA Self Improvement Month, I’m asking everyone to give us a song they like to put on when they are in self-care mode…
Jostein: I would probably listen to Meshuggah – “In Death/Is Death” as I am a metalhead as well. That song just makes me feel like I’m on top of the world and the composition and technicality just drives me nuts, In a good way!
Marius: I listen to a really wide variety of music genres. So for the time being I have been playing a game on my Nintendo Switch called ‘Metroid Prime’ (remastered). I am totally hooked on the soundtrack for the time being, and would like to point out one specific track called: “Tallon Overworld.” It’s very metal and I like it!
Kendra: And lastly, with ‘Hypnagogia’ out on September 8th, what else do y’all have planned as we head into fall?
Jostein: We would love to get out and play this album live for everyone, so I guess we are probably going to start rehearsing and putting a tour together. Probably won’t be until 2024, but who knows! Maybe we’ll start working on some new stuff in the studio as well.