An ABC News article, Scientists Discover Brightest Quasar Ever Powered by Black Hole,
Dating to Dawn of Time by Alyssa Newcomb states:
There are 40 known quasars that date back to the first one billion years after the Big Bang, according to scientists, with each having a black hole with the mass of one billion suns.
Pictured above: NASA/AP Photo released Feb. 21, 2013, shows a supermassive black hole in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 1365.
“Time & Space Consortium” — Richard Zeier
Excerpts on this page are continued writings from The O.D.D. Room
which is a part of the greater book — Aleatory H
WGA Reg. No. 1817794
— Energy can be converted in form, but not created nor destroyed —
I don’t completely know if it was quasar ULAS J1120+0641 that I saw in my dream, but I distinctly remember its unique form and recognized it because I have been fascinated by quasars since I first became familiar with them.
The scene was overwhelming — a rapture within a quasar, but then the quite clear revelation (not then, but later) that it was a deception . . .
The dream had started as a visit to a friend’s new space, and although they had described the space as a small apartment, upon entering there was an almost airport-sized rectangular window with the most spectacular view I have ever seen. I don’t know where the massive valley was, but it rolled as far as the eye could see and beyond it was a body of water.
The wind started picking up and masses of red aspen leaves coursed across the valley and up into the hills like waves of a starling dance on fire.
The video referenced below is no longer there on 1/13/2025
Today 1/13/2025 – someone looked at this Quasar page (which I has been in the background of our website since 2020). I used to leave a few writings from the O.D.D. Room up (honestly, so anyone could access them if I was somehow cut off from them).
It is interesting to read this again today. I would say that it is interesting after the fires in Los Angeles over the past week – but it has been “interesting” for a long time . . .
I know all of this writing will change, this Book has a life of its own. . .
The waves continued until the massive energy fully manifested from the incredible cloud of leaves to a distinguishable vortex of power, almost earth-sized reaching past my line of sight and visibly forming an unmistakable quasar. It was silent, hypnotic, and instantly “emotional.” The emotion was not my reaction, the object seemed to be emanating it. Surges of sadness, joy, and ecstasy penetrated my mind, soul, and body all at once and only for a shocking moment. Even asleep, I felt the tears.
It was then that I noticed human forms ascending through the center as if being drawn up into a type of core.
Because of my predisposition toward what such a rising in the air would mean, I immediately thought it was a rapture or type of rapture. Through my dream, I felt other minds spreading the word that this was The Rapture.
Could this be it? Was it finally here? My expectant mind reeled even in its dream state. Calculations, always running somewhere in the back of my thoughts, connected seemingly with others around the globe and I heard instructions to proceed to certain checkpoints that would be portals to take those who had been waiting for so long for “His Coming” to a place of departure.
I saw several prominent teachers that I knew, as a crowd rushed myself and my husband from the apartment window. They were communicating by some kind of thought transference the next location, giving us coordinates so that we could join them . . . I thought of the Chinese Church that I, and many, had sent bibles to in years past — when having one could mean imprisonment or even death. I thought of Nora Lamb, who had walked out of communist China pregnant and held her baby inside for several months beyond its due date to escape. The bibles had to be given underground because it was illegal to practice faith and belief publicly. Although that had changed since those times, at one time the church there had to completely share their meeting locations by telepathy. If you could not hear on this level, you would not know nor ever be told where they met. It became a desired “gift” of the spirit and was quite common in certain circles.
I believe in these things and know they are not only common to Christians but to spiritual souls in general.
All of these thoughts were going through my mind as I continued to dream . . .
2020 had been an incredible turning in the events of human history. If not for those enormous changes in everyone’s daily life, I don’t think I would have been able to recognize the signs and symbolism connected with this dream.
The dream came on the day the United States government was changing hands . . .
The preceding years and election leading up to this change had revealed a country violently divided and America, the jewel of democracy that all of the earth had revered for hundreds of years, seemed as fragile a place as any.
. . . friends I had known for all of my working life, people I called brother or sister in churches I had attended for decades were at each other’s throats because of the politics of the day, and fingers were pointed in all directions to those who had supposedly “been deceived.”
Thoughts in regard to the Book of Revelation, the Rapture and prophesy were some of my favorite subjects. When the Covid pandemic hit the whole world, many perceived it as a harbinger of events around these subjects.
I watched, but from many embarrassing past predictions, rabbit trails, unnecessary dividing debates, and such, I had learned to reserve my proclamations for such observations. I no longer debated when, where or how the Rapture would occur. I no longer even lightly speculatively considered that any world leader, religious or otherwise, could possibly be the antichrist. I dismissed the now endless games projecting numerology to try to calculate who or what the number 666 might refer to.
A very perceptive author I respect on the subject of end-time prophesy, once wrote a book called The Seven Raptures, where he dissected the known times in scripture where humans had been “translated” from the earth. Among them were the translations of Enoch, Elijah, the Christ, multitudes of those believing and waiting for Christ’s return, the 144,000 witnesses traversing earth during times of tribulation, and finally the 2 special witnesses from the center of the Holy land.
From my studies, I knew the dream concerned the fourth of these raptures — the one that took the multitudes. As I reflect now on the possibilities, it had probably never occurred to most that the same time of joy and ecstasy many expectantly awaited, could be paired with an equal deception that no one would have ever realized even happened — had it not been for that original research assistant who first discovered the ULAS J1120+0641 quasar.