Photo Credit: Kelsey Hart
It’s hard to live in Los Angeles without a car. Trust me. I did it for almost two decades, so I wasn’t shocked when Red Ribbon admitted that she’s gotten deep into cars since moving south from Seattle. The way she described it, driving around the place I used to call home sounds like a delight – but parking lots and the nightmare that is the 110 Freeway aside isn’t why we connected. No, we came together to talk about ‘Red Ribbon,’ the self-titled debut that drops everywhere on November 1st.
Kendra: Having lived out west, was Los Angeles the natural response when it came time to move, or did you ever consider New York City, or even Nashville as your new musical home?
Red Ribbon: I thought hard about moving to New York in 2020. I made both ‘Dark Party’ and ‘Planet X’ mostly in Brooklyn. But I honestly moved to Los Angeles for Love. LA broke my heart, but it had already done that before I moved here. My first love was from here. And I came here with my second love. One thing I hope for myself is that I don’t chase heartbreak for inspiration.
I may have been guilty of that in the past. Regardless, LA has deeply inspired me. It has made me tough, or even relentless. Because I have to stand my own ground, but sometimes that makes me tired, and I want to fall into 1,000,000 rose petals and finally get to be soft. I am grateful to be passing through. Because I moved somewhat frequently as a kid, I always have the feeling I’m passing through wherever I am. Nashville, New York…call me.
Kendra: Now, let’s talk about your new album, ‘Red Ribbon.’ You noted that on this third album, you allowed yourself to be more authentic and free. Would you say this is more so based on natural growth as an artist or on personal growth?
Red Ribbon: Both for sure. As an artist, I had less anxiety in the studio. In part because me and Rob recorded it whenever we could, a few days at a time for a year or so, here and there at Mant. It really took the pressure off. Personally, yeah I’m forever changed. I mean I feel like a straight-up different person.
Kendra: During the creation of ‘Red Ribbon’ you were in the gym, boxing. That’s the one physical activity outside of dance I’ve always wanted to get into! But as far as boxing and the new album go, if ‘Red Ribbon’ were to have a signature boxing move based on the overall tone and vibe of the record, what do you think that’d be, and why?
Red Ribbon: Get into it! It’s great. Let’s go with a jab, it is the measuring stick. I’m right-handed, so I jab with my left. Keep your right hand up to protect your money maker. And then you know. Just figure out how far away you are from your target. You can build everything off that measurement.
Kendra: I don’t drive, so I definitely have never had an experience that’d mirror your “Crying My Car.” It’s just not something I ever wanted to learn or do, but I can see why crying in one’s car would be ideal if they had a garage or knew a place they could do so without being bothered. With that, where in LA is the best place to take your car and release those big emotions?
Red Ribbon: Parking lots! Sometimes I drive to a grocery store and sit in my car for 30 minutes before I go in, not sure why. I also became obsessed with cars moving here. I was in a bad car wreck in 2020, the day before I planned to leave Seattle for Los Angeles. I had back injuries and it’s quite a long story, but I could not see out of my eye for three years (GOD bless the surgeons).
I got to LA with no car, massive fear, and the entrance to the 110. That freeway was created in the 1930s when the top speed of cars was around 65 mph. The top speed of a car today is over 300 mph. Just saying. Not only have I become obsessed with cars, I got really into listening to music in my car. Because if you have the music blasting, and your windows down, and your arm hanging out, you can feel the bass in your fingertips. The whole chair can vibrate…and that is such a unique sensory experience as a listener. I love it.
Kendra: So I’m interested to know how “YSFP” went from being something that came to mind at a friend’s wedding to a breakup song?
Red Ribbon: One of those things where I gotta trick myself into writing it. 2020 in hindsight baby you know. It’s 100% a breakup track.
Kendra: Lastly, with ‘Red Ribbon’ out everywhere on November 1st, what are your plans as we head into the winter months and soon, 2025?
Red Ribbon: We will be playing some songs at Zebulon in Los Angeles on November 30th and at The New Colossus Festival in Manhattan on March 4 – 9. I don’t know what will happen. I try to keep in mind that everything can change on a dime.