Photo Credit: Hassan Mahmood
Representing New Jersey and making the entire Garden State proud is Reg Mason. A hip-hop artist with a bit of an alternative twist, Reg Mason has carved out his own lane and isn’t slowing down anytime soon with his new album, ‘TESTDRIVE’’ which is out now. We talked about the games and music found on the record, personally evolving, and more like the difference between Chess and Checkers. All of that and then some in this new back-and-forth exchange.
Kendra: You mention in your music you’ve been at this for a minute, but when exactly did you start to focus on making music?
Reg Mason: I released my first song called “Pearls” in early 2015, I wanna say. I was 16 then but I’ve written songs as early as ‘09. I didn’t become an active musician until 2015.
Kendra: Usually, the idea of coming-of-age stories is reserved for teen movies and whatnot in Hollywood, but in the grand scheme of things we’re always growing into the next phase of our lives. What transpired in your life that motivated this album to be the overall representation of this chapter in your own story?
Reg Mason: Once I moved out of my childhood home, my wheels started turning on the idea of immortalizing a moment in time. Music is an easy way to do that because it’s an audible Time Capsule. So I wanted to have a time stamp of this trying time, to appreciate my growth later.
Kendra: Now, this month I also talked to an alternative country artist. I found that interesting as you also have an alternative vibe to your music. Why do you think so many genres are adopting alternative aspects right now?
Reg Mason: Genre is basically nonexistent haha. The days of sticking to one thing are kinda over. Historically, so many cultures overlap and adopt from one another (even down to the food) so why should music be any different?
Kendra: So with songs like “CHECKERBOARD!” you’ve noted that it’s digging into this idea you have about yourself, and that’s to continuously evolve. Does that mean overall like from mentally to creatively?
Reg Mason: Throughout everything! Careerwise, physically, mentally, and spiritually. When we’re cut, we bleed and heal. Our bodies are meant to take some blows and then they reconfigure and learn how to move through it. “CHECKERBOARD!” is a checklist of all I hope to see.
Kendra: Listening to the record, I found it interesting that “CHECKERBOARD!” was this very energetic track that felt mainstream, while “CHESSBOARD’” reminded me more of the neo-soul, philosophical hip hop. Is that because checkers is the more commonly played game, while chess is the thinking man’s game?
Reg Mason: Absolutely correct! When I tell you, you’re the only person to catch that so far lol. You actually structured that really well, but yes that’s the exact concept. I also love the contrast in general.
Kendra: In “handshakes’” you note your Jersey Boy grit. What exactly does that mean to someone now from the Garden State?
Reg Mason: It just means having that hunger for greater things. Knowing that you gotta get your hands dirty for what you want and more likely than not, things won’t be given to you. There’s a certain kind of security in knowing that whatever I receive, will be earned properly in due time.
Kendra: Now it’s time for a side note – with it being September AKA Self Improvement Month, I’m asking everyone to give us a song they like to put on when they are in self-care mode…
Reg Mason: “Make It Better” by Quelle Chris. That song has gotten me through some times, the instrumental feels like I’m having my hair washed by someone I care for.
Kendra: And lastly, with ‘Testdrive’ out now, what else do y’all have planned as we head into fall?
Reg Mason: Shows, videos, merch, vinyl, and even more music.