2018 GOLD Photography Winner
“Space Odyssey” — Caitlin Williamson
—Poetry Gold—
—Art Silver—
“Gilded Life”
—Category Surreal Silver—
—Photography Silver—
“Steamed Glass”
—Poetry Silver—
Night itch
The tiny bed of someone
who has given up on being loved
is full. Here we are,
together. I uncoil
hairs on your belly, watch them retreat
into rings upon rings, the way a lover would,
while you sleep. You are dreaming of lovers
now. You are preparing to wake up alone
with the fan on but, my love, it is too cold for me.
2018 PEARL
—Art Pearl—
“Liquid Shapes”
—Category Surreal Pearl—
“The Rabbit Hole”
—Photography Pearl—
“The Color Bubble”
—Poetry Pearl—
the moon and me
the moon curves inward and inward and inward;
…..trapping stars and meteors
in her swooping arches, pale
face bleeding through the wispy clouds
rough skin, round as a peach
she spirals endlessly.
far beneath, waves toss and turn,
sweeping across the empty beaches and
…..old rocking fishing boats
like cradles.
night screams silently
while grandmother places child in bed, blankets up to her
…..tiny chin.
and then she is child and child is grandmother and
they are one and the same and
…..different, all rolled into a
translucent skin that catches the light and drinks it up.
the moon is the moon is the moon is
cut like a wheel, slices
…..of silver steel surveying the stars.
a ladder inches its way up to the moon
…..encircling the earth,
fat droplets of water dripping from its
rungs like tears that
hold the world in their glassy spheres.
we are the moon and the moon
lives in us, our eyes bearing the black soul
…..of its mysterious face.
Top 13 Submissions | ART
2018 Teen Media Expo
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Top 6 Submissions | CATEGORY SURREAL
2018 Teen Media Expo
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Top 11 Submissions | POETRY
2018 Teen Media Expo
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Top 10 Submissions | PHOTOGRAPHY
2018 Teen Media Expo
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All of us at ZO are so very grateful for the supportive artists and friends that we have made over the years in experimenting with these unique presentations. We not only love to promote artists but the creative side in everyone. Creativity Can Change the World!
Art | Category Surreal
Every moment in our external life is reflecting back to us something that is happening internally, whether we know it or not.
Adam Roa is a teacher of the process by which our reality is being created and help them learn how to take conscious control over this creation process. “Manifestation” or “Law of Attraction” might sound like cool concepts, but HOW do they actually work? Everything I do is designed to help expand the awareness of my audience so that they rediscover the power that lies within each and every one of us. The power to create our reality . . .
ZO was absolutely, cosmically thrilled to find Linda Murdock Photography tracking right with our Circle Expo! Check out the “synchronous” work on her page . . .
“Dec 1, 2017 ~ Often when you start noticing something it suddenly appears everywhere. Kind of like when you learn the definition of the word ubiquitous and then it is… everywhere! Recently I become obsessed with circles, curves and arches. I have been tempted to get The Book of Circles but, actually reading the sample was enough. I just don’t read as much as I used to. Rather, I don’t read as many books as I once did. I am constantly reading articles and stories on my computer or tablet, plus all those closed captions on the TV. I don’t know why the actors mumble and whisper so much these days.
So, we have made an effort to find circles and curves and even arches to photograph. And they are just.. ubiquitous.”
Marcia is the Owner-operator at Marcia Parker Productions and Event Coordinator at The Original Melodic Mondays. Marcia has coordinated, judged, and helped us manage a few ZO Expos. She is also a gifted chef, speaker, actress, and unique Spoken Word Artist known as Motha Nature.
In the words of CBC Radio host Bill Richardson, Karen Connelly is “one of our smartest, fiercest and most intrepid writers. She has turned an innate and turbulent restlessness to her and to our advantage: never content with just one form, never content with just one place, never allied to just one idea. She’s a poet, an essayist, a novelist, a provocateur.”
Her works have been translated into fourteen languages and published in seventeen countries. She lives with her family in Toronto and, during the summers, in Greece.
Read Sebastian’s full interview with ZO at this link. We’re honored to have him as a judge!
. . . One pair of the coolest kicks can make a 13-year-old think they’re all that and then some. So it’s safe to assume 99.9% of teenagers would be a bit to handle given some internet fame. Although Sebastian Janoski found fame on YouTube while in middle school, he was the .01% to stay humble.
“The people I surround myself with has a lot to do with that. My family and friends keep me very grounded. Also, I try to stay involved and grounded in my faith as well. Making God a priority has really kept me on a straight path,” said the now 18-year-old who splits his time between working on amazing videos, charity work and penning soundtracks. All of the above and more were on the table as Sebastian shared his current single, “Toy” with ZO.
We absolutely fell in love with Noor Eeman Jaffery after seeing her extraordinary photo work and reading this below her profile pic . . . “the face you make when you’re PRETTY sure you put your septum ring in backwards but not 100%” — Noor — lol
Connect with Noor on Instagram or click on her photo for more of what she’s doing . . .
Joel Robison is an award winning conceptual photographer based out of British Columbia, Canada.
Awards for his work include nomination for Best Conceptual Photographer of 2012 in the Ulsan International Photography Festival, Top New Photographer and Ft.Steele Fall Fair – Winner of Best Overall Photo
“My interest in story telling and self expression through art is what motivates me to create and share my work with people around the world.”
Over the last 5 years he’s instructed over 400 students in 8 countries in a series of photography workshops aimed at building both the creative portfolio and setting up a photography business and social media presence. He also teaches an online course that is delivered to students around the world and is designed to grow each student’s creative eye and creative portfolio.
Joel’s work has been used world wide by clients such as Coca-Cola, FIFA, Yahoo, Adobe, Oprah Magazine, Mariott ArcAngel, Trevillion, PhotoNews Canada, and many more.
It’s the way that you think . . .
A circle is the reflection of eternity. It has no beginning and it has no end – and if you put several circles over each other, then you get a spiral. — Maynard James Keenan
We all felt that this was a very timeless Expo and the vibes are still reverberating.