A decade ago Jovi Claire picked up a camera for the first time and started to take a step in a new direction. Almost a year after that she realized her love of cosplay after spending a lifetime as a gamer. It didn’t take too long before all her passions started to morph into one. Now we’re talking to Jovi about her photography and how passionate they get in the Philippines.
Kendra: What initially drew you towards cosplay and photography? Did one interest come before the other, or did one inspire you to do the other?
Jovi Claire: For photography, I started way back in 2009. I’ve always wanted to capture moments and express myself through images. It is something I am passionate about. Then, as a gamer and anime fan, I’ve always wanted to dress up and be my favorite characters for a day and so I started cosplaying in 2010.
As I play more games, watch more shows, I get interested in and attracted to more characters. I just knew that I couldn’t cosplay all of them but still, I wanted to give tribute to my favorite characters. In 2012 came the mix of two things that I’m passionate about, I started practicing cosplay photography.
Kendra: What are some characters you’d rather portray than shoot and vice versa?
Jovi Claire: I don’t cosplay that much nowadays but I’d rather portray characters that I have a really serious connection with. One example is Chloe Price from Life is Strange. I can relate to her story so much, and her personality almost matches mine. And then there are these characters whom I also love and admire but are way too far from who I am like Lara Croft from Tomb Raider. She’s an athletic heroine who seems to do and fight for all things right- which is not me. As much as I love her character design, I’d rather dedicate a shoot for her and express my love by working on the images!
Kendra: When it comes to the Philippines, it’s like everything people do there in terms of artistic expression and fandom – they do it big. From drag to cosplay to just loving what they love with such vigor. Why do you feel people in the Philippines always go that extra mile and then some?
Jovi Claire: People in the Philippines don’t easily give up. We always go for that extra mile until we’re more than satisfied with what we have or until we reach our goal. We love challenging ourselves and when someone says that they’re passionate about something, you can see it in their craft.
Kendra: On top of everything you do, you mentioned you’re also a gamer. If you could step into the world of one video game and do a photo shoot, which would it be and why?
Jovi Claire: Wow, this is a tough one. There are so many games I love but I guess graphics is something I need to consider here? It would probably be Final Fantasy XV because c’mon, it’s Final Fantasy (and I love the series). Aside from the crazy beautiful graphics of the game, it would be amazing to bump into Noctis or Cindy and do a photoshoot with them! Maybe with the Chocobos too!
Kendra: How’s your husky doing? So cute! Have you ever thought of heading into the world of animal or pet photography?
Jovi Claire: Thank you so much for checking on her! She’s doing amazing! Yes, of course! I am an absolute dog lover but I definitely won’t say no to animal photography! Maybe insects because they freak me out, but one of my dreams is to do a wildlife shoot!
Kendra: Lastly, tell the people what you have going on…new cosplay, conventions, let them know!
Jovi Claire: I have a lot of photo shoots planned! Most are series and games that I know a lot are fans of! I’m also planning to start vlogging my photoshoot adventures so please do look forward to that, I’m pretty sure a lot of you are interested to see what is happening behind these images. I will be posting them on Facebook so make sure to check my page every now and then for updates!