Whether you’ve watched him on Anne with an E or have heard him recently on Radio Disney, you’re slowly falling head over heels for Kyle Meagher. Tackling both acting and singing isn’t easy, but like many who’ve come before him – it’s totally possible and he told us there is no choosing just one path. In fact, he shared how he’d love to combine the two. The up and coming pop dynamo also revealed what 21st century must-have he’d want with him back in the 19th century days. We want to know why he skipped indoor plumbing, but that’s another story for another day. Today it’s time to learn more about Kyle Meagher and his latest single, “Nowhere.”
Kendra: In terms of actors who are also musicians, who are some of your influences that made you realize that you could most definitely do both and do both well?
Kyle Meagher: I would say some of my biggest influences were the Disney kids like Selena Gomez. I actually watched her TV show growing up and then watched her develop her music career at the same time. I really admire how she was able to attain success in not only music but also acting. She is one of the top social media celebrities, has had tons of top chartings songs, and an impressive filmography. She totally demonstrates that acting and music fit well together. I absolutely hope I can get there someday too.
Kendra: Was there ever a time where you did think you were going to have to choose one passion over the other?
Kyle Meagher: Absolutely not. I know that there will be times when I have to put more focus on one or the other, but it’s not like I’d be dropping either of them completely. For instance, if I’m busy filming a movie or TV show, I may not be able to go on tour until I’m done. Music and acting are both super important to me and I always want to be able to do something in both domains when I can. In fact, the dream might be to combine the two and do a musical!
Kendra: Luckily you are doing both because “Nowhere” is pure pop goodness. So knowing you love to play hockey…if you had to compare your overall sound to a team, which would it be and why?
Kyle Meagher: Ooh, that is a really awesome question, and I gotta say, Minnesota Wild kinda have that feel for “Nowhere.” Both “Wild” and “Nowhere” totally give you that “off the beaten path” feeling, and their logo looks like something you’d see while driving by on the countryside, which is usually what I see for “Nowhere!” I played on a hockey team in the past was also called the “Wild” so it feels even more fitting!
Kendra: Many fans fell in love with you on Anne with an E where you play someone in the 1890’s. If you really had to live then, what is one modern day item you’d want with you?
Kyle Meagher: I am not going to lie and it’s not original at all but I would really have to say a smartphone! Of course, it would have to come with the world’s knowledge already as well. Just THINK of the possibilities. I’d take a picture of someone and they would be so shocked. The infinite amount of knowledge at my fingertips would just blow them away. Plus, it would be super helpful given my survival skills might not be up to par!

Kendra: Congrats by the way on hitting Radio Disney. Musically speaking, what is your next bucket list goal?
Kyle Meagher: I have a ton of things left on my bucket list. At the top would be to perform at the Grammy’s or Juno’s. It would be so awesome to perform for so many people. Both in front of you and around the world all watching. And then afterward, to get to meet all kinds of extraordinary people.
Kendra: Now when will the world be getting an album?
Kyle Meagher: There’s definitely an EP coming up in the new year. We already have over half of it done so we are well on our way. We will release it before spring!
Kendra: In between making music and TV, will you be touring or at least playing locally soon?
Kyle Meagher: I have a few concerts lined up in the US. I will be doing some touring, meeting fans, and overall just having fun doing what I love! You can check out my Instagram or website to find out when I have a show coming up!