Singing and dancing with her mother since before she could remember, Sierra Heuermann of Sierra and The Radicals has always had a creative spark in her. The Ouija actress star notes, “I use my creativity daily and would be lost without it!” While she’s been on some impressive sets as of late, Sierra has always had a song in her heart, “Ever since “Baby One More Time” by Britney Spears came out I knew that that’s what I wanted to do.”
From shimmying along to the princess of bubblegum pop to acting to singing with Grammy-winners like Coldplay – Sierra has done more than peers twice her age but the best part is that she’s still got a lot ahead of her. Like the release of her single, “You Look Like My Next Ex,” officially out January 11, 2019!
Kendra: Has music always been in the picture or did that come into focus after you started acting?
Sierra: Music was always in the picture. I actually only started acting about five-years-ago when I moved to LA. I didn’t know I wanted to do it until I actually did it, and I fell in love with the feeling that completely overcomes you when the camera starts rolling. It’s like you step into another world and I love that.
Kendra: You dropped your debut in 2016 when you released Somewhere Between Here and There. Even in just those two years, how much do you feel you’ve grown as not only a singer but also as a writer and performer?
Sierra: That’s a great question! I feel like I’ve grown tremendously in all those areas. Performing and singing I learned to become more comfortable with myself and my voice. I realized that I have something special that no one else has so why not use everything I have. As for songwriting, I learned a lot by writing with other writers. I think the most valuable thing I’ve learned as a songwriter is how to write at any given moment about an idea or an experience. I used to only be able to write when I was experiencing something pretty emotional, but I’ve learned to use my imagination more mixed with feelings and experiences to create characters, places, and scenarios. Every song always has a truth to it though, and that’s what makes it special.
Kendra: Now let’s talk about “You Look Like My Next Ex” because that song is amazing. It reminds me a lot of recent Swift, but it bites like something Demi would put out. Are those some of the artists who’ve inspired you over the years?
Sierra: Yes! Britney Spears, Michelle Branch, Sia, and Taylor Swift are big ones who I look up to. I also love Radiohead, Death Cab for Cutie, Panic! At the Disco, and Thrice.
Kendra: With so many dating apps out there, it can be hard to find someone worthy of your time. So what’s a clear sign that someone will most definitely be your next ex if you swipe right?
Sierra: Hahaha this is funny! I don’t use dating apps, I just spin in a circle and point.
Kendra: Let’s rewind real quick because you’ve got to give us the highlights of when you performed Muse…spill!
Sierra: That was such a fun experience! I got to sing with them as a part of iHeart Radio promotion when they played in Washington DC. I sang “Starlight” with the band. Right before I was scheduled to go on, I was told that I would be singing alone, without Matt, and that the key was going to be lower than the recording, meaning I wouldn’t be able to use anything I had practiced. I started to freak out a little, but once I walked onto that stage, I felt like it was the place I belonged. I’d been dreaming about being on a stage like that my entire life — it felt like home.
Kendra: What’s to come from you as you head into 2019?
Sierra: After “You Look Like My Next Ex” drops there will be a music video following the release. It’s going to be dope! After that, I plan to release a new single every few months!