Over a decade of Ed Nash’s life was spent as part of Bombay Bicycle Club playing bass but now he is taking things on by himself as Toothless. Releasing not one but two records this year, he’s been busy with both The Pace of the Passing and his latest, Palms EP. He even got a chance to head from the UK to the US this past June which we talked about, as well as the meaning behind one of his most striking songs and what he’ll be up in the fall.
Kendra: You post a lot of toothless character pics, but I feel like you’re missing that kid from Stranger Things. Did that not make a huge impact over in the UK last year?
Toothless: It certainly did! I watched and loved it too. That’s a very good idea…I’m going to steal it and take full credit!
Kendra: Now, what’s a typical day like over there for a working musician like yourself?
Toothless: I wake up and have a coffee and then head to my studio. I’ve learned not to force writing or recording music as I found that the results aren’t as good when I’m not inspired. If I’m not in the zone I try and stay as interested and involved as I can with music/film/art and I find it normally sparks an idea that I can use in my own music.
Kendra: You played over in the US in June. How was that show in LA compared to ones you’ve done back home?
Toothless: LA was actually my favourite Toothless show of all time (seriously). As with anything new it took a while to get the Toothless live show right and with the LA show I finally felt everything fall into place. I also absolutely loved the Bootleg Theatre, there’s a great vibe and the sound on stage is incredible.
Kendra: Hope that LA treated you well! Let’s talk about The Pace of Passing Out. There was one song, in particular, I couldn’t help but fall for. “You Thought I Was Your Friend (I Want to Hurt You).” Is this based on anyone in particular and if so, do they know this song is about them?
Toothless: Oh god no! If someone wrote a song about me and called it that so I would take a restraining order out on them. The song is loosely based on Mark Chapman, the man who shot John Lennon. I was always fascinated about what motivated him to do something so awful.

Toothless’ Favorite Place in the UK: Hampstead Heath – The Heath was the meeting spot for me and all my friends while growing up in North London, during the summer you could be sure to find a bunch of your friends on the Heath without confirming it in the first place. I still visit the Heath on a weekly basis for a swim in the men’s swimming pond, it’s a little chilly but is sure to wash away even the worst hangover.
Kendra: You’ll be touring back home in October. Will you be playing back in the US between then and now?
Toothless: There’s nothing in the diary at the moment but we are all keen to get back to the US. We really had a great trip both on and off stage.